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A new innovative smart bird feeder with camera, make birdwatching more easy

Views : 437
Author : Kylin
Update time : 2022-08-19 16:34:07

Something About Bird Feeding

Bird feeding is one of the most popular hobby in the USA and UK, it is the activity of feeding wild birds, often with a bird feeder.It has been encouraged and celebrated in the United States and United Kingdom. Various types of food are provided by various methods; you can attract certain bird species by providing a certain bird food.
It has been estimated that American adults spend approximately US$3.8 billion a year on food, feeders and related accessories.

Most cost-effective way of reducing the number of pests

Birds are the most cost-effective way of reducing the number of pests in the garden. young birds love to eat insects, such as aphids, whiteflies, cabbage worms and cucumber beetles.  
A small group of chickadees could eat 6000 to 9000 caterpillars from birth through their first flight. that would clear out pests from any garden.

How to create a bird-friendly environment

Using native plants, different kinds of plants which can provide berries, nectar or seeds all year,  to feed native insects, it will attract hungry birds.
In the cold, winter climate, food is in short supply, you could set a bird feeder in the garden.
And avoid using chemical poisons to kill insects. birds may eat the poisoned insects.

How to choose the bird foods? 

Certain foods attract certain birds.
Finches and siskin will be attracted by niger, and jays prefer maize. Hummingbirds, sunbirds and other nectivorous birds love nectar.
Mixed seed and black oil sunflower seed is favoured by many seed-eating species. 

Certain foods attract certain birds.

In Australia, meat, especially raw beef mince (or ground beef), is commonly fed to wild, carnivorous birds such as Australian magpies and kookaburras.  
Birds such as white-eyes, barbets, and some thrushes will take fresh and cut fruit. Different feeders can be purchased for different species.
It is not only small birds that are attracted by bird feeding. In some urban areas of the UK, red kites are fed chicken and table scraps in gardens.

Set a bird feeding station

After a bird feeder is set, it can take some weeks for birds to discover and start using it.
This is particularly true if the feeding station is the first one in an area or (in cold-winter areas) if the station is being established in spring when natural sources of food are plentiful.
Food, particularly unshelled foods, such as thistle seed and suet, left uneaten for too long may spoil.
Birds also require a source of drinking water and a birdbath.

Birdwatching, Bird Watcher, Birding

Birdwatching, or birding, is the observing of birds. A birdwatcher may observe by using their naked eye, by using a visual enhancement device like binoculars or a telescope, by listening for bird sounds, or by watching public webcams.

Smart bird feeder

Nowadays, smart bird feeder with camera is popular for new birdwatchers.
some smart bird feeder can recognize the bird species which visit the feeder. It can attract birds and capture pictures and videos automatically and store the information in the TF card, so that you will not miss any bird with a clear, close view sight.
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